Unique Perspectives

Today we joined
#TRAVELPICS chat on Twitter for a fun packed hour exchanging ideas and travel photos with like-minded posters. The theme was “
unique perspectives” and participants shared their own travel pics about the theme and answered per-arranged questions.
Q1: How do you define unique perspectives in travel?
How would you answer this question?
A1. When your photo is different than those in the travel brochures
A1. Also visiting the same place multiple times but capturing different memories
We responded to the first question and also shared several images as the chat progressed. There is no right or wrong answer here - but if you are interested in breathing new life into your travel photography, some of the ideas shared here and in the chat may be helpful. Follow us on Twitter:
Look for a Unique Vantage Point
The main subject in the two images above is the Old Castle in Corfu, Greece. We think that you'll agree the first photo could be a typical photo showing the castle from a distance. It does capture the main subject, but isn't a very interesting photograph. If your purpose is simply to document one of the sights seen during your Corfu visit, it would suffice.
The second image however is much more interesting to the viewer. Your eyes are drawn to the main subject, the castle, and you also have the feeling of being outside the castle's gates, trying to look inside. You are suddenly back in history when the castle fortress was full of life as it stood guard over the town.
Q2: Show us a unique perspective in a travel photo using different interpretations or unusual viewpoints-no right or wrong here!
This was one example we shared. The images were both captured during our National Conference on Norwegian Breakaway last fall. The image on the right could be a typical photo taken by every cruise passenger on the ship.
The image on the left was once again from a different vantage point. We captured it by accident. While waiting for the rest of our group to catch up with us, we looked up and saw how amazing the chandelier looked from this vantage point.
So, quite simply, don't forget to look up for subjects to capture in your images.
Q3: Do you have any unique perspective or advice when it comes to traveling differently? Share it!
A3. Give yourself a photo shoot assignment especially if you've been to the same location before
Some of our more interesting images use archways and doors to frame our subject. Some of our self-directed photo assignments have been to capture interesting doors across the globe and also lamps, such as those on castles or outside historical locations.
Visiting a Port Multiple Times
If you are like most leisure travelers, odds are that you'll visit a location multiple times in your lifetime. For those that like a winter getaway on a cruise ship, you'll probably visit several ports in the Caribbean many times.
So what do you do when you find yourself back in a town you've visited before? You can seek out new attractions or shops to visit, or you can view the familiar sights differently. For example, find a different angle to view them from; look through a doorway or hole in the wall as we have above. If you are able to bend down low, you can view your subject from the vantage point of a child (in other words, from ground level).
Plan for your Visit
To get the most out of a visit to either a new or familiar destination, we encourage you to do some research before you travel. You may want to check with your professional travel consultant for ideas about popular attractions as well as those that are off the beaten path. That was another topic we discussed during the live chat.
The internet is a wealth of information. Once you know some attractions that are on your bucket list, search for some images that professionals and amateurs have captured. You may want similar images in your photo journal of your trip. We suggest that you add a few more unique perspectives as well.
We hope that this has sparked your interest in taking your photography to a new level. Follow the weekly #travelpics chat on Twitter for more ideas on this and other travel topics. We'd love to hear your ideas as well, or better yet, join us for the next chat.
Thank you to this week's co-hosts: @AntiTourist @TheTravelCamel @poonamparihar @Sihpromatum @StephensPhotos @melbtravel