Hurricane Zone

Hurricane Season: June 1st - November 30th

When searching for current tropical storms that might impact your cruise plans, you may come across our blog posts from another hurricane season or a different tropical storm. This page was added to simplify your search.

Simply come here and we will do the rest - keeping links to current and past storms so that you can easily find the one you are interested in.  We will primarily focus on the Atlantic and East Pacific hurricane seasons, but when cruise itineraries are impacted, may cover other areas of the globe.
We welcome your feedback on ways to improve this page and our blog.

Hurricane Preparedness, Predictions, and Past Storms (below)

Active Storms

Atlantic - Caribbean Sea
 - Gulf of Mexico

Eastern Pacific
(out to 140°W)

Central Pacific

Click Links Above
to View Current Information

Updated Links:  June 2024
Hurricane Preparedness & Predictions
Learn about hurricane hazards and make a plan

Hurricane Preparedness 

Climate Prediction Centerexpert assessments of climate and weather 
Current & Past Hurricane PredictionsHurricane Zone Page - select current or past predictions from list of past articles
Colorado State UniversityTropical Meteorology Project's Forecasts    
Practical Guide to Hurricane Tracking & Plottingvery informative private site; also locals reporting 
Hurricane Educational Sites
Disaster info, plan & prepare, 
recover & rebuild

Hurricane Preparedness: Let Children Participate

NASA Hurricane Education

Owlie Skywarn

Climate Glossarylearn the terminology so that you are better prepared
Tropical Cyclone Hazardsdamaging winds aren't the only danger       
The Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scalethe scale is a 1 to 5 rating based on a hurricane's sustained wind speed. 

Resources (information, games, activities)
Hurricane & Tropical Weather Monitoring

Weather alerts, historical data, outlooks


National Weather Service

Eastern Pacific Cyclone Activity

Atlantic Cyclone Activity

Graphical Tropical Weather Outlook

(E. Pacific)
current atmospheric and oceanic conditions                      
National Hurricane Center

Canadian Hurricane Centre
graphical tropical weather outlook, marine forecast

National Hurricane Center (NHC) Active Storms
Marine Forecastsregionally focused information for mariners              
NASA Hurricane Tracking    
Latest storm images and data from NASA
learn about historical tropical cyclones