Saturday, May 9, 2020

Hurricane Preparedness - Written Plan

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Hurricane Planning

The time to prepare for a hurricane is before the season begins, when you have the time and are not under pressure. If you wait until a hurricane is on your doorstep, the odds are that you will be under duress and will make the wrong decisions. Take the time now to write down your hurricane plan. Know where you will ride out the storm and  get your supplies now. You don’t want to be standing in long lines when a Hurricane Watch is issued. Those supplies that you need will probably be sold out by the time you reach the front of the line. Being prepared, before a hurricane threatens, makes you resilient to the hurricane impacts of wind and water. It will mean the difference between your being a hurricane victim and a hurricane survivor.

The time to prepare for a hurricane is before the season begins, when you have the time and are not under pressure. If you wait until a hurricane is on your doorstep, the odds are that you will be under duress and will make the wrong decisions. Take the time now to write down your hurricane plan. Know who issues evacuation orders for your area, determine locations on where you will ride out the storm, and start to get your supplies now.  Being prepared before a hurricane threatens makes you resilient to the hurricane impacts of wind and water. It will mean the difference between being a hurricane victim or a hurricane survivor.

Click on this interactive image to learn more about being prepared for Hurricanes and other Disasters


There's still time before the official start of Hurricane Season 2018 in the Atlantic Basin.   Hopefully this series of articles and the resources that we've shared will assist you in keeping your family and property safe this season.   Regardless of the season forecast, it only takes one storm....

Our final article will take a look at what to do after the storm.  Thank you for taking this seriously.

Read entire series (click here)

More links and information about tropical storms and other weather conditions can be found in the Weather & Hurricane Zone tabs above.

If you live in, or plan to vacation in, an area where hurricanes are prevalent, please prepare in advance by reading our series.

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