Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Hurricane Preparedness - Supplies

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Hurricane Supplies

If a hurricane strikes, you’re going to need supplies not just to get through the storm but for the potentially lengthy recovery period that could follow. Have enough non-perishable food, water and medicine to last each person in your family a minimum of one week. Electricity and water could be out for at least that long. You’ll need extra cash, a battery-powered radio and flashlights. You’ll also need a portable, crank or solar powered USB charger to charge your cell phone.


You’re going to need supplies not just to get through the storm but for the potentially lengthy and unpleasant aftermath. Have enough non-perishable food, water and medicine to last each person in your family a minimum of three days. Electricity and water could be out for at least that long. You’ll need extra cash, a battery-powered radio and flashlights. You may need a portable crank or solar-powered USB charger for your cell phones. The CDC recommends if you need to go to a public shelter, bring at least two cloth face coverings for each person and, if possible, hand sanitizer. (Children under two years old and people having trouble breathing should not wear face coverings).

Let's Get Ready

Sesame Street Let's Get Ready: Planning Together for Emergencies, created with support provided by PSEG, is a bilingual (English and Spanish) multiple media resource designed to help entire families, especially those with young children, to plan and prepare together for emergencies. Through simple strategies and tips that can be incorporated into everyday routines, Let's Get Ready helps children, families, and caregivers to prepare ahead of time in age-appropriate and engaging ways.

Click Here for Let's Get Ready Toolkit - Videos & Resources

Read entire series (click here)

More links and information about tropical storms and other weather conditions can be found in the Weather & Hurricane Zone tabs above.

If you live in, or plan to vacation in, an area where hurricanes are prevalent, please prepare in advance by reading our series.

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