Saturday, June 27, 2020

Where is Chris - Bartender And Mixologist Day

Today is  Bartender And Mixologist Day.  We were on a cruise when this picture was taken.  We booked a shore excursion which included a tour of this popular destination.  Before the tour you can enjoy a welcome drink in this tropical setting. Can you guess where we are?

Make your kids favorite "kiddy cocktail" today.  Why should they be left out during this time?  Rumor has it that liquor sales have really sky-rocketed.    #KeepTheKidsEngaged.

We hope you are enjoying this series of  "Where is Chris" posts.  We'd love your feedback on our social media.

Where is Chris?
Where is Chris    Learn More

Here is today's destination  can you guess where we are? As promised, we've updated yesterday's post, Where is Chris - National Food Truck Day, with the answer to the puzzle.  Revisit that post and just scroll over the image to reveal the answer.  You can also click on the link below the picture to read more.    

Make sure to follow us on our social media, so you don't miss any destinations. 

If you can't wait for tomorrow for the answer, you can take my quiz in my Instagram story.

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