Friday, October 17, 2014

Memorable Moments in National Parks

Yellowstone National Park
Mammoth Hot Springs

This may come as a shock to some of you but, despite the name of this blog, I do travel by other means of transportation other than cruise ship.

On this particular trip, one of our stops was at Yellowstone National Park, which spans several states: Wyoming, Montana and Idaho.

North Entrance -
This 37-foot (11-m) dormant hot spring cone marks the northern portion of Mammoth Hot Springs.

Liberty Cap & 
Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel

Minerva Spring & Cleopatra Spring 

This popular stop along the Mammoth Hot Springs trail has a wide range of colors and ornate travertine formations.  A boardwalk spans the hill allowing for close up exploration without danger.

We've seen many sights in our journeys around the world, but Mammoth Hot Springs ranks among the most impressive memories of nature.
There is a lot more to see here.  These images were taken during the first moments within Yellowstone National Park.

Want to learn more about our National Parks?   The inspiration for this article came from a Twitter chat.   Today they are featuring #Memories as the subject matter for photo submissions.

@ChrisPappinMCC#ParksChat is a weekly Twitter chat where anyone can participate and talk about the week's selected Topic/Destination.

Topic for this week (10/17/2014): #memories

Let's talk about our memorable things and share some of our memorable pics in our Parks  -- Use hashtag #ParksChat and #memories
Follow us on Twitter: @ChrisPappinMCC  Pinterest: CruiseWithChris Pappin and Facebook: CruiseWithChris Pappin Cruises Inc for more ideas.


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