Sunday, June 8, 2014

Selfies for World Oceans Day 2014

NOAA Ocean Today video: 'Celebrate World Ocean Day -- June 8'

Know Your Ocean
True or False?  
Earth has five separate oceans
Ocean is blue because of the sky
Sea floor is flat
Saltwater is water & table salt 
Watch Video for Answers

June is "National Oceans Month" - Know your ocean!

Make an ocean promise, 
take a selfie for the sea

We all love the ocean. It takes care of us - by providing food, medicine, oxygen and fresh air, transportation, communication… not to mention fun, recreation, and inspiration! The ocean links people all over the world together, and we couldn’t survive without it.

This World Oceans Day, give back to the ocean by promising to do at least one thing in your life to help keep it healthy. A healthy ocean means healthy humans, dolphins, corals, turtles, fish, and other wildlife for the future. So, pick a promise and post a selfie on social media to share how you’re doing your part for our ocean.

We also encourage you to post your own selfies (and tag #WorldOceansDay and/or link to and retweet others.

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