
Monday, January 26, 2009

Celebrity Xpedition - Disembarkation

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Day 10 (Sunday, September 7th) was disembarkation day from Celebrity Xpedition. We had breakfast in Darwin's Restaurant, went back to our cabin to get our bags, and went up to deck 4 to wait for our departure. The Zodiacs took us back to the same pier where we had begun our cruise just a week earlier.

When we arrived at the pier dock, there was a sea lion resting on the bench. It was almost like he was waiting for us to arrive and had fallen asleep. People (including yours truly) were sitting next to the resting sea lion and having their picture taken while we waited for our buses.

The buses took us to Baltra airport where we had some time to shop in the local stores before being called to go through security and into a VIP waiting lounge. Once inside the lounge we were able to get refreshments while waiting for the charter TAME flight to arrive from Guayaquil.

The VIP lounge didn't have enough room for all of the passengers, so the airport staff opened another lounge which wasn't currently in use so everyone had a place to sit. It was quite warm in the building since it is not enclosed.

People were standing around outside the building watching for our plane. My husband even took a video of our plane landing. Once the plane landed, the airport personnel did ask people to go inside so that the disembarking passengers could make their way into the airport building.

The plane was serviced and it was time for us to board for our flight to Guayaquil and then on to Quito. Just as we did on the flight to Baltra, we had a refueling stop in Guayaquil. That is where the Xpeditions staff that were on our flight departed for the most part. We all clapped for them as they exited the plane. They really were a fantastic group of people.

Celebrity Xpeditions staff and the hotel staff handled all of our luggage. The luggage was delivered to our hotel room at the Quito Marriott shortly after we arrived back at the hotel. We picked up our additional bag from the bellman and went up to our room.

I'll talk more about the rest of our day in Quito in my next post.

Click on the image to the left for more Blog posts about this trip.

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