
Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Day of the Seafarer 2019

Theme for 2019
Seafarer's Gender Equality

Seafarers – if you could make one change? 

Throughout 2019 there is a strong emphasis in the maritime world on the importance and value of women within the professional ranks.

This year for the Day of the Seafarer campaign, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) is encouraging seafarers, male and female to show solidarity for gender equality in seafaring.

We are inviting you to think about one thing you would change to improve diversity in seafaring. #IamOnBoard with gender equality

June 25th, Day of the Seafarer, is a day set aside  to highlight opportunities for women (as well as the contributions they are already making) in a wide range of maritime careers and professions, but the focus will be very firmly on one aspect of that community – seafarers

Cruise lines and shipping companies have responsibilities to seafarers in their employ. The public too has a responsibility to have a positive impact on seafarers as well. 

I had the opportunity to visit Seafarers' House in Port Everglades, FL a few years ago.  They are holding special #DoTS celebrations today.

Welcoming Mariners
of all Faiths

“To Offer Refuge, Resources, Renewal and Respect to the Maritime Community Through Multi-Faith Service.” 

- Mission of Seafarers’ House

Cruising for more than 30 years, we've met many seafarers. When we recall special moments from those cruises, there is usually one or more of them at the heart of the memory. No matter how they are feeling, how tired they might be, how sad or lonely they might be, they put their best personality forward, and do everything they can to make sure our adventure at sea lives up to our expectations.

If you've ever encountered a crew member who didn't live up to those expectations, odds are there is a passenger at the heart of their story. Think about that on your next cruise.

They are miles from home, family, friends, and other loved ones. I've never done it, but imagine it is a hard life. It can be very rewarding I'm sure, when they see a smile or some kind gesture in return from passengers or fellow seafarers.

On behalf of everyone that loves cruising like we do, thank you seafarers for all you do. Take care of your careers - take advantage of the tools that IMO is providing for you so that you can put a smile on your face when we meet again.

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