
Friday, July 15, 2016

Explore the World by Cruise Ship

#FriFotos Theme Friday, July 15th :  #Explore
Every brings you a new theme so share your with us all & enjoy! Run by  @frifotos_ 
In preparing for this week's theme, we thought about our favorite way of exploring the world:  by cruise ship / river boat.  Here are a few images along with some thoughts on the topic.


Many centuries ago, sailors boarded vessels and set sail from their home lands to parts unknown.   Just imagine the thrill they had of spotting a new land from the bow of their ship. 

It is unlikely that you will discover a "new world", never seen before, and claim it for yourself or country.   However, you do have the opportunity to explore lands that you have not been to before.  Where do you want to explore?

click images to enlarge
Modern Day Explorers

 The picture above is a replica of a Viking ship which we toured in Stockholm, Sweden.  To the right is a modern day cruise ship in the harbor of Santorini, Greece.  Both of these ships transported their explorers to exciting destinations just waiting to be explored.

Captains of the ships of old navigated by the stars and crude maps while today's skippers have the luxury of modern technology and very detailed maps (partly thanks to the sailors of old).  When exploring by cruise ship, your destination is charted before you leave home, unlike those original explorers that didn't know what the next day would bring.   Experience the unknown when your ship is at sea with no land in sight.  You will get a sense of how large the world really is.   Far away lands are just waiting for your discovery.

Getting a Closer Look

Large vessels cannot always get close to shore, and it is often necessary to use smaller boats to begin exploration.   The zodiac on the left is the primary method of exploring the Galapagos islands.   It takes a small group of explorers to shore for a closer look at the environment.  Upon arriving on shore, you begin your quest to explore this new destination. 

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Where have you explored? 
There is still time to share your pictures on #FriFotos.  If you don't have any to share at this time, check out what others are posting.   This forum is a great way to explore the world from the comforts of your chair.

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