
Thursday, March 12, 2015

FriFotos Goes to Ireland


St. Patrick's Day is next Tuesday and this Friday, #FriFotos is featuring images from #IRELAND all day long. 

(For those that don't know:  #FriFotos is a weekly photo forum by . Theme is revealed every Tuesday 12pm ET.)    Recently, @spencerspellman joined the team as a permanent co-host.  We even had the chance to co-host one week late last year.)

Giant's Causeway

When on a British Isles cruise a few years ago, our itinerary was changed about a month out due to the EU Summit being held in Dublin, Ireland.   Our revised itinerary had a stop in Belfast, Northern Ireland.  A group of passengers per-arranged a private tour offered by a local tour company.

Our first stop was at The Giant's Causeway, pictured above. We arrived at the Visitor's Centre where we learned about the causeway which was formed 60 million years ago from lava. From there we boarded a bus which transferred us to the site of these magnificent basalt columns. The scenery here was breathtaking. The Giant's Causeway is a Natural Heritage Site and the 8th Wonder of the World. Pictures and words just don't do it justice, but for some more pictures, see my photo album and also click on both of the links above.

Carrick-a-Rede Rope Bridge

It would be hard to top the scenery which we'd just seen, but we headed for our next stop, Carrick-a-Rede Rope bridge. The bridge was once used by fisherman bringing the salmon catches back from the island but today it is mainly a tourist attraction. The bridge has been enhanced from a single rope to the current caged construction for safety.

Click on images to enlarge
In order to get to the rope bridge, it is necessary to hike quite a distance along a winding path. Make sure you have good hiking shoes to make the journey as the pathway can be a little challenging as you can see in this picture. I only went part way and my husband did go all the way to the bridge, but not across it. Since we were there after hours, we were not able to actually cross the bridge.
See our Belfast - Rope Bridge photo album for more images from this attraction.   Unfortunately, our SD card was damaged and some of the pictures had to be salvaged using a photo-editor which was able to process the .jpeg bits.   I guess we'll just have to go back to get better images.

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“May the road rise up to meet you, may the wind be ever at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face and the rain fall softly on your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.”

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