
Friday, July 11, 2014

Bountiful Travel Pics

What Does Bountiful 
Mean to You

Finding Examples 
as You Travel

Today is Friday which is our favorite day of the week.   You might think it's our favorite because it's the last work day - but we are available to our clients every day, so that's not it.

Friday is #FriFotos

is a weekly photo forum by . Theme is revealed every Tues 12pm ET.  If you can't guess, this week's theme is #BOUNTIFUL.

We love this photo forum because it gives us the opportunity to revisit places we've visited and look at the images we've collected in a new light.   It also gives us vision for future photos.

Bountiful Defined

boun·ti·ful   (per Merriam-Webster dictionary)

adjective \ˈban-ti-fəl\
: giving or providing many desired things
: given or existing in large amounts

1:  liberal in bestowing gifts or favors
2:  given or provided abundantly <a bountiful harvest>
 Pictured above is a field of tulips in Keukenhof Gardens, Holland.  The image on the left was taken at the fish market in Bergen, Norway.   Both of these images fit the theme for this week's photo forum.
More Examples

These two images were also captured during our visit to Keukenhof Gardens in Holland.  The first image is a display built out of Coca-Cola cans.   Certainly this is a bountiful supply of Coke cans.

Zooming in on one of the many floral displays at Keukenhof Gardens, the second image filled the frame with flowers in bloom.

Cruising along the Amalfi Coast in Italy, we captured this image of bountiful vineyards.  Come harvest time these will result in some of the best wine around.

This theme is a little harder than some of the past #FriFotos subjects, which makes it all the more interesting.   Do you have any images that fit the theme?

We've found that photography and travel go hand and hand and it helps to keep the memories alive longer.   Even when the mind forgets, we can help recall our travels by going through our photo archives.

Hopefully this post gives you some inspiration for getting more out of your travel experiences.   When visiting familiar places multiple times, it is often useful to give yourself a photo assignment, such as one of the #FriFotos themes.  That doesn't mean you have to devote your entire vacation to taking pictures, but why not keep an eye out for images that would enhance your trip when you revisit the archives in months ahead?

Follow us on Twitter: @ChrisPappinMCC  Pinterest: CruiseWithChris Pappin and Facebook: CruiseWithChris Pappin Cruises Inc for more ideas.
We'd love to see your examples and hear your feedback.   Do you enjoy stories like this?  Are their themes that you'd like to explore?

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