
Saturday, March 8, 2014

Change Your Clocks Tonight

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep 

As cruise passengers head off to dinner tonight, cabin stewards were busy placing cards on pillows to remind guests to change their clocks before retiring to bed. Standard Time (ST) ends tonight and Daylight Savings Time (DST) begins. It will be lighter longer, but you will lose one hour of sleep tonight.

Daylight Savings Time Begins 

Clocks will be set ahead by one hour tonight in much of America, as 2 a.m. will become 3 a.m. early Sunday, March 9. Among the states, only Hawaii and much of Arizona will keep their clocks set to Standard Time. Most of Europe won't begin what it calls "Summer Time" until March 30.

Daylight Saving is meant to adjust our clocks to match the times people are active with daylight hours.

Good-bye Standard Time

Standard time is the result of synchronizing clocks in different geographical locations within a time zone to the same time rather than using the local meridian as in local mean time or solar time.

What Time is It (Ship's Time)

It isn't unusual for ship's clocks to change during a cruise. In fact, on some longer cruises, clock changes may occur several times as the ship crosses time zones. Often, the ship won't change times but will remain on "ship time". Before departing the ship to explore your next port, be sure that your watch is set to the same time as the ship, so that you aren't waving to your ship from shore as it sails away. While this may be obvious to most readers, it can be easily overlooked as you gather you things and rush off to begin exploring your latest port of call. Sleep well tonight for tomorrow is another day of adventure at sea or back on land.

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