
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Remembering the Costa Concordia Victims

Filippo Monteforte / AFP - Getty Images
Life-vest, rope and helmets recovered from the Costa Concordia are seen
during a mass celebrated on Sunday in the Isola del Giglio's church.
Remembrance Mass San Lorenzo Church
Giglio, Italy

Perched atop a hill overlooking the waterfront, The Lorenzo e Mamiliano Church became a safe haven for passengers of Costa Concordia, that had been rescued from the sinking ship on 13 January 2012.

Father Lorenzo tended to their spiritual and technological needs that weekend as he offered prayers and the use of his computer, so that families could contact love ones to tell them they were safe.

The Madonna recovered from the chapel of the Costa Concordia
One week later, Father Lorenzo once again offered prayers, during Sunday mass, for the victims of this terrible tragedy providing reassurance and comfort to the families still awaiting word about their loved ones.

It is fitting that this church sits atop a hill overlooking the port where Costa Concordia sits perched precariously on the rocky shore.  When people look up hoping for answers, they see this church, and can take comfort that God is still watching down on those that work tirelessly to find the remaining victims.

Many of the town's people of Giglio have opened their homes and hearts to the passengers and relatives who have unexpectedly converged on this tiny Italian village.  

This Madonna statue, rescued from the Costa Concordia, is another symbol of hope amidst this tragedy.  Mary's eyes seem to be looking into our very souls providing reassurance and comfort.

The sounds of the rescue continue to fill the air near the stricken ship while atop this hill, there can be a retreat from those sounds allowing for thoughts and prayers for the victims, families, friends, survivors, and anyone involved in this incident.

MAIN BLOG POST (Updated several times since the accident)

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