
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Travel Alert fo St. Lucia After Tomas

Hurricane Tomas Caused Extensive Damage

In the wake of Hurricane Tomas, this normally picturesque Caribbean paradise is without much of its infrastructure, prompting a recent Travel Alert by the U.S. State Department.  St. Lucia's Prime Minister declared a state of emergency, and reports indicate that St. Lucia’s transportation and communication infrastructure was seriously affected.  This Travel Alert expires on December 1, 2010. 

According to the travel alert, "There are no reports of U.S. citizens killed or seriously injured in the storm or its aftermath.  However, major roads and bridges on the islands are closed due to landslides and flooding, making transportation around the island extremely difficult or impossible.  Cell phone towers are down, resulting in limited communication, and some areas do not have electricity or water.  St. Lucia authorities are working to restore services as soon as possible.  Both airports on St. Lucia are open, but operating at limited capacity."

St. Lucia wasn't the only country impacted by Tomas in the region. St. Vincent and the Grenadines also experienced significant damage due to Hurricane Tomas in the northern part of the country, but areas generally frequented by travelers were not severely impacted. 

What does this mean for tourists?

Cruise lines are monitoring the situation and may substitute a different port of call for St. Lucia.   The travel alert indicated  "U.S. citizens should contact their tour operator, airline, or hotel for further information on the situation before traveling."      

U.S. citizens who choose to travel to St. Lucia despite the Travel Alert are urged to enroll with the State Department's travel registration website.  Please continue to monitor the Embassy’s website for updated information at  

Updates from the Islands

Latest local updates from the special hurricane correspondents on the islands (with pictures):

  Barbados  --  Dominica  -- Grenada -- Trinidad & Tobago

Martinique -- St.Lucia  -- St.Vincent & Grenadines -- 

We wish the people of St. Lucia well, and hope that they will be able to quickly restore the infrastructure so that their lives can return to normal and tourists can once again visit this beautiful country.


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