
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

NCL Introduces Howl at the Moon on EPIC

Howl at the Moon Chicago
Norwegian EPIC

Norwegian Cruise Line executives hosted a private party yesterday at Howl at the Moon, Chicago for NCLU graduates.  Besides being entertained, we were briefed on final details about Norwegian EPIC which begins pre-inaugural sailings in less than a month.

What is Howl at the Moon?

Put simply, it is a dueling piano entertainment venue where performers play audience requests and the audience become part of the entertainment too.

If you like piano music, and want to hear some of your old time favorites, this lounge act could be just what the doctor ordered for a fun-filled evening.   We were amazed at how many songs the piano players knew.  For more information about how the show works read: Howl at the Moon Show

Why was NCL Hosting a Party at Howl at the Moon?

Norwegian Cruise Line has been touring select cities across the country at venues which had a significance to the Norwegian EPIC.    When the EPIC debuts this summer, NCL will unveil several new entertainment options for guests' pleasure.   Headliners Lounge will feature Howl at the Moon performers as one of the name-brand entertainment options included in your cruise vacation price.

We will be sharing additional information about entertainment, cabins, and dining options in future columns, so be sure to come back and read about those too.

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