
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Every Day is Earth Day on Cruise Ship

Earth Day 

40 years ago today, U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson founded Earth Day, designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment. More than 175 countries celebrate this event every year. 

Many communities celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of activities focused on environmental issues, from April 16-22.  Events Around the Nation (click)

EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency, celebrates its 40th anniversary this year.  This Earth Day, EPA asks YOU to join in protecting our planet, ensuring clean air and water for all people and for our children.  Take Action...  On Earth Day, choose at least 5 actions you'll commit to protect the environment. Celebrate!... Find an event in your community.  Live Green... Listen to Podcasts to find out how. (click on the previous links to learn how you can make a difference)

Royal Caribbean and the Environment

As the blog post title suggests, cruise lines have taken an active role in adopting programs to protect the environment.   In this post, I'll focus on Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. although they are not alone in the endeavor to protect the environment.

Richard D. Fain, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., stated:
In everything we do, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. is ever conscious of a very special, and very certain, responsibility. Simply put, we must protect the marine environment and sustain the well-being of the people and places we serve. Because we know that clean oceans are good for the environment, good for our guests and good for our business, we strive to achieve the highest possible standards of environmental and community stewardship.   Read More
For nearly 40 years, Royal Caribbean has carried out a wide variety of environmental activities. In 1992, they formalized those efforts into a program called Save The Waves®.

There are four key principles of Save The Waves®:
  • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
  • Practice Pollution Prevention
  • Go Above and Beyond Compliance (ABC)
  • Continuous Improvement
During the Oasis of the Seas Atlantic Crossing after completion, Captain Bill held the following interview:
Video: Blue Seas Green Practices (click here)

Additional Royal Caribbean Environmental Links
Environmental Initiatives
The Ocean Fund
Outreach and Achievements

When you sail your next Royal Caribbean cruise, be sure to pay attention to the signs and announcements regarding ways that you can help protect the environment and Save the Waves®.  Little things like using that towel one more day can make a big difference, especially if every passenger would participate.

If you are like me, you love cruising - be sure to do your part to save the environment for those that follow.

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