
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cruise Lines Return to Europe in 2011

Cruise To Europe in 2011

In 2009 the cruise lines were over-deployed in Europe, and as the economy took a turn for the worse, they were forced to re-deploy ships to other destinations.  Cruise lines have begun announcing their deployments for Summer 2011, and once again they are including Europe in their schedules.

Passengers wishing to visit Europe in 2011 will find a wide selection of itineraries and ships traveling to the most popular destinations including Northern Europe, Scandinavia and Russia, the Mediterranean, and the Norwegian Fjords.  Another popular choice is Transatlantic cruises for passengers wishing to only have one long flight between the states and Europe.  Learn more about European destinations.

Since the demand for cruising in Europe is now at an all time high, many of the cruise lines will be offering the most ships and itinerary choices than any time in the past.  Disney Cruise Line is even entering the market with 10 and 11-night Mediterranean cruises.   We will take a closer look at the Europe choices in other columns.   Search past columns for information about our visits to European destinations.

Despite the additional capacity in Europe, it is still wise to plan well in advance for your European escape.  The best cabins and popular destinations will sell out fast.   The most popular cruises will be those that feature overnight stays in various ports of call, such as Copenhagen and St. Petersburg, Russia.

Europe is a family destination and planning for the trip can be a family project.  You will want to plan your daily itinerary in  advance so that you will be able to take full advantage of your time in port.   A cruise specialist can assist you in the planning;  take advantage of their expertise.

Traveling to Europe is a great way to take the classroom learning experience to a much higher level.   Instead of reading about the great battlefields of the past, imagine walking on the same hollowed ground where battles raged.   Let the pages of the history books come to life for you and your family as you explore the historical locations using your comfortable cabin accommodations as your base of operations.


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